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The Twelve Rays of Light


The Intention is to explore through workshopping, in small groups and one-to-ones, each of the Rays. If this interests you, please get in touch.

I have compiled these short notes on each ray, after studying the book ‘The Twelve Rays of Light’ A Guide to the Rays of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy, as channeled by Natalie Sian Glasson. Published by Derwen. Further reading can be found in her book. Heartfelt thanks to the Conscious Correspondent site for information on expanding these notes further.

The Rays of Light

In our world of polarity, everything exists at opposite ends of the same spectrum. On the light spectrum, we have White Light which includes all colours, and black or Darkness which absorbs them all. White Light is pure spirit and the Darkness is dense inanimate matter. The Rainbow Bridge of colour links these two poles together.  White Light is the Divine Consciousness, and colours are the actions of this energy.

The highest vibrating form of light is clear light and that is the light of the Divine. From clear light, all other colours emerge. When you shine a light through a clear crystal, a rainbow of colour is refracted. When the light from the Divine reaches earth and hits our density it vibrates colour. These rays of colour each carry a vibration that we can work with and help to anchor to the earth.

The 12 Rays of Light

The 12 Rays of Light are a gift to us from our Creator. They are made up of frequency bands of electrical energy that are radiated from Source Energy. The 12 Rays of Light help us ascend into Higher Consciousness. The energy of these rays is becoming more and more intense as we move toward the Golden Age. Because of this, deeper atunements and new information are becoming available to us. An explosion of new age knowledge has become available to us and more lightworkers are answering the clarion call.

The Rays of Light are found within the chakras of the human body, but their colours are not always identical to those associated with each chakra. The Rays of Light support the existence of everything on Earth. Every person, country, city, organization, and family anchor a certain ray of light. We can anchor the Rays of Light to the earth to support healing and balance.

PRACTICE: Each night before you sleep, you can ask to be taken to the ashram of whatever Ray of Light is for your Highest Good, expanding your consciousness while you sleep. So much spiritual growth happens ‘beyond mind’, we rarely remember the process, only feeling the expansion in our beings on wakening.

1st Ray of Light:

Bringing in WILL AND POWER, courage, confidence, determination, strength, bravery, action, boldness,

focus, goals, passion, accomplishment, fearlessness, straightforwardness.

Clearing confusion.

Lifting spirits.

Helping us find lost path and direction, whether physical or spiritual.

Governed by: Master El Morya, overseen by the Manu Allah Gobi

Archangel Representative: Archangel Michael and Archangel Faith

At lower levels, it anchors courage, confidence, inner power, bravery, passion, driving force, and enthusiasm.

On a higher level, it integrates the Will and Divine Plan of the Creator.

Purpose: Enacting and existing as the Divine Will of the Creator.

2nd Ray of Light:

Bringing in LOVE AND WISDOM.

When we embody, anchor, and express Love this creates Wisdom.

We embody Wisdom by expanding our awareness and comprehension beyond the limitations of the mind.

Wisdom arises from Love, illumination and raised energetic vibration. Wisdom inspires peace, Love and tranquility.

Wisdom is within all our souls.

Our soul is our powerhouse, our essence, and the truth of our being.

Our souls project Love continuously.

Governed by: Master Joshua, overseen by Lord Maitreya.

Archangel Representative: Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Christine

Anchors the wisdom of the Creator through the embodiment of Love and prepares souls for the acceptance of the Christ consciousness. The second Ray of Light is acknowledged as a special spiritual school that instigates spiritual development.

Purpose: Embodying and existing as the Unconditional Love of the Creator.

3rd Ray of Light:


Releasing negative thought patterns.

Supporting clear decision making.

Bringing together the right creative, and left intellectual, sides of brain.

Through heightened awareness, our minds can become tools of manifestation and expansion.

 Governed by: Master Serapis Bey, overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Archangel Representative: Archangel Chamuel and Archangel Charity

Anchors the ability to manifest through the power of the mind. Aids mastery and clarity of the mind, while assisting in the expression of love through thought forms to manifest the energy of the Creator on the Earth.

Purpose: Mastery of the mind and understanding energy.

4th Ray of Light:

Bringing in CREATIVE FLOW.

By stimulating the right side of the brain, creative energy flows from our souls.

We express our artistic natures creatively through art, music, dance, drama, writing, singing… indeed, all aspects of life.

We can achieve our projects, hobbies, careers, dreams.

Creativity is the love of the soul in manifestation.

Governed by: Master Paul the Venetian, overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Archangel Representative: Archangel Gabriel and Archangel Hope

Anchors the energy of peace, tranquillity, balance, and harmony. Assists in accessing creative artistic abilities and expressing the soul in a creative way to reveal inner beauty. It can act as a cleansing ray restoring harmony within beings and in realities.

Purpose: Expression of the Creator.

5th Ray of Light:


Illuminating and expanding our intellectual left brain, scientific mind and soul. Problem solving.

Evolution through Divine Inspiration, thoughts, ideas, concepts and experimentation.

Governed by: Master Hilarion, overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Archangel Representative: Archangel Raphael and Archangel Mary

It is a key energy in the ascension and spiritual growth process of soul activation and soul discovery. At a lower level, it aids projects of discovery or scientific developments. At a higher level, it focuses predominantly on the soul’s integration with the person’s reality and with their personality on the Earth.

Purpose: Soul Acceptance and Discovery, Alignment with the Creator.

6th Ray of Light:

Bringing in Meditation, Devoted Service, Deep Connection and Unity with DIVINE SOURCE ENERGY

. Love in its purest form.

Uplifting and supporting when we are low in energy or spirits.

Restoring our Faith after disappointment or trauma.

Governed by: Master Lanto, overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Archangel Representative: Archangel Uriel and Archangel Aurora

This ray of light is one of the purest forms of devotion and acceptance of the Creator’s soul within your reality. It is an inspirational energy boost that aids deeper connections and understanding of the Creator’s soul and the universe. It explores the definition of devotion and how to exist as a devoted light being to the mighty soul of the Creator while accepting one’s own inner powers.

Purpose: Surrendering to the Creator.

7th Ray of Light:


Bringing in Magic, Mystery, Marvels and Miracles.

Bringing in New Age and New Earth paradigms.

Spiritual awareness through devoted practice and invocation of the Light.

Cleansing karmic lower vibrations.

Bringing transmutation to Mother Earth and all people.

Governed by: Lady Portia and overseen by the Mahachohan Saint Germain

Archangel Representative: Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst

This is the home of the violet flame of transmutation. It is also an essential energy on the Earth as it raises consciousnesses and anchors a new age of awareness into minds with higher vibrations. It is known as the awakening ray of light that assists in connecting with the higher rays of light

Purpose: Acceptance of truth on a conscious level.

“The first seven expressions of the Creator support through spiritual awakening and awareness in preparation for acceptance of the next five Rays which hold a powerful focus upon the evolution of the soul. The five latter light vibrations are known as the Higher Rays because of their quick energetic speed and their focus upon advanced ascension, supporting the completion of ascension at a Planetary Level.”

8th Ray of Light:

Bringing in CLEANSING LIGHT to remove all impurities from our outer bodies.

We cleanse and purify our souls and spiritual bodies, so we can blossom into expanded and limitless beings.

We open and allow the healing CLEANSING LIGHT to wash through us.

Also, bringing in energetic and physical decluttering, simplifying life in more material and tangible ways.

Governed by: Lady Nada and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Archangel Representative: Archangel Jeremiel and Archangel Josephine

Supportive Energy: Pleiadeans

This is the deep spiritual cleansing ray that assists with preparations for soul activation and discovery. Healing and cleansing are always needed to access new vibrations and consciousnesses and can be gained from the eighth ray ashram. It helps to clean out those characteristics and qualities within the self that one no longer needs and wants to get rid of. It is composed of rays 4, 7, and 5 with a touch of white light mixed together.
Qualities: Clarity, Divine Perception, Discernment, Lucidity, Vivification.

Purpose: Cleansing.

9th Ray of Light:

Bringing in JOYFUL ASCENSION, supported by angelic energies and cosmic connection.

JOY is a form of Love.

We raise our vibration by allowing JOY to dance in our beings.

Governed by: Lady Mary and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Supportive Energy: Sirians

This ray holds a wealth of knowledge that can be grasped to aid soul discovery and expansion. It focuses on anchoring joy which is an expression of love, while promoting integration on new levels with the energy of the Creator’s soul and the Universe. Helps one to attract our full potential, first with the Body of Light and continues the cleansing process that the 8th Ray starts. It is composed of Rays 1, 2, and white light.
Qualities: Harmony, Balance, Assurance, Solidity, Confidence.

Purpose: Soul exploration.

10th Ray of Light:


Bringing in the soul merge of our Physical and Light Bodies.

Integrating and balancing the feminine and masculine energies within.

Rising to new levels of consciousness.

Awakening is a process of realizing we are already home.

Governed by: Lady and Master Andromeda and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Supportive Energy: Andromedans

This ray promotes and instigates soul integration, monad integration and unity with the Creator’s mighty soul. It allows all the changes a person has been seeking and brings them fully within. Helps to code the patterns of Light Formations within the body and access their true Divinity. It is a combination of Rays 1, 2, and 3 mixed with white light .
Qualities: Eternal Peace, Prosperity, Abundance, Financial Freedom, Opulence.

Purpose: Soul integration.

11th Ray of Light:

Bringing in the embodiment and anchoring of HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS AND VIBRATION.

Promoting deeper Love, Healing, Peace and Harmony, as our Physical and Light Bodies merge.

Governed by: Lady Quan Yin and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Supportive Energy: Great White Lodge of Ascended Masters

Again associates with soul discovery and integration. As with all the Higher Rays, this ray completes the soul merge process. It promotes an understanding that everything in the universe is a manifestation of Love. It is a place where the teachings of all previous rays are integrated. It aids an understanding and acceptance of mastery that is complete, allowing the soul to fully embody the higher ray of the Creator’s universe including the twelfth ray of light.

Bridging of the New Age and helps one to be in touch with Divine, Love/Wisdom. It is a combination of Rays 1, 2, 5, and white light.
Qualities: Divine Purpose, Enthusiasm, Joy, Happiness, Fulfilment, Selfless Service.

Purpose: Soul Integration.

12th Ray of Light:


Connecting with Golden Light and Goddess Energy.

Balancing male and female energies within, so we can be authoritative and powerful… yet gentle, caring and kind.

Governed by: Pallas Athena and overseen by the Divine Director of the Rays.

Supportive Energy: Mahatma, Cosmic Logos and Lord Maitreya, Christ Logos.

Golden Ray and anchoring of the Christ Consciousness – THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN. It is a combination of all the rays of white light – GOLDEN LUMINOSITY. The twelfth Ray of Light holds a direct link to the Office of the Christ and acts as a teaching ground for those wishing to embody the Christ Consciousness. The twelfth Ray of Light is an extension of the Office of the Christ and anchors the loving energy of the Creator into all rays of light and throughout the Creator’s universe especially the Earth.
Qualities: Transformation, Transfiguration, Rebirth

Purpose: Soul Integration and Ascension from Planetary Level.


Release and receive whatever your Mind, Body, Soul needs right now, and for the next part of your Life Journey.